* Recent Time-Based Work *

A Walk in India Point Park

Video, 2022.


Six-channel video installation, tracing paper. Installed in a bookshelf in the RISD Old Library. ~6x8x1'. 2021.

I want to become very small, I want to crawl into the screen and look around. Everything in it feels so far away from me.

I wish my laptop could be like my bedroom: a space I could enter and curl up in like a little animal among my most prized possessions.

I have ~5 browser windows with up to ~30 tabs in each window open at all times: if I close a tab I will forget what is inside. Every time my computer crashes, I choose “Restore all tabs”.

I want all my tabs to be stored in bookhelves, sorted by topic: PDFs yet to read | “News” articles | Youtube videos (subsections: music, celebrity interviews, documentaries I will never watch, asmr cooking videos) | School stuff | Obsessions | Porn | JSTOR | etc.

I don’t want to Search: I don’t know what I’m looking for!!! I want to Browse Google like I would Browse a library: I want to walk among its corridors and pick up its objects, touch them, open them, take what sparks my interest home with me. I want all my information to be material, destructible… stashed safely in an old hallowed building where I can sit quietly for hours.

I wish I were typing this from inside my computer.

On / Inside / Through

Two-channel video installation, mosquito netting, bedsheets, monofilament. Installed in metal scaffolding. ~6x8x7'. 2021.

An exploration of haptics, interiority, mediation, and memory on/of the screen. Close-up webcam footage of various skins and textures (in which I sometimes appear) and a live video feed filming the viewer interact on and between many translucent hanging screens. Inspired by the fantasy of living inside one's computer, a 'sequel' of sorts to "Library" (see above), the piece attempts to create a space in which both screen contents and the body of the viewer become both material and immaterial, contained by and spilling out of the screen.

--> also published in The College Hill Independent


"On / Inside / Through" –– alternate installation view.


Video, 2021.

Glitch, or A little distraction

Soundscape. 2021.

Wang Ji Ta

Soundscape (found audio). 2021.